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  3. Creating a Redirect

Creating a Redirect

A redirect is similar to a domain alias.  With redirects, you can point a single page or a domain to a different domain.  For example, create a redirect so that www.example.com automatically sends users to www.example.net.

Accessing redirects via the control panel

The first thing you need to do is log in to the control panel, if you are unsure of how to do this you can follow the guide here.  Once you have done this go to the ‘Domains’ section of the control panel and click ‘Redirects’

cPanel domains menu

Adding a redirect

cPanel add redirect

You will then see these options.  You can choose between a permanent or a temporary redirect.  A permanent redirect will notify the visitor’s browser to update any bookmarks that are linked to the page that is being redirected. Temporary redirects will not update the visitor’s bookmarks.

You then choose which domain and page you want to redirect and where you want it to redirect to.

You then click ‘Add’ and the redirect is created.

Updated on 16th November 2018

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